What is the most common illness housewives complain about?
Due to the weight of household chores - doing the laundry, cooking, cleaning the house, attending to the kids- housewives often complain of headaches, known as tension headaches.
Studies show that tension headaches are the most common type of headache. About 30% to 80% of adults occasionally experience this kind of headache. Tension headaches are more common among women than men.
These headaches are sometimes called stress headaches, muscle contraction headaches, daily headaches, or chronic non-progressive headaches.
Usually, the condition is triggered by some type of environmental or internal stress. The most common sources of stress include family, social relationships, friends, work and school. This makes housewives prone to this type of headache.
The attacks
The attacks usually begin gradually and often occur in the middle of the day. A tension headache may occur on an episodic basis (less than 15 days per month) or on a chronic basis (daily or more than 15 days per month).
Most people with episodic tension headaches have them no more than once or twice a month, but the headaches can occur more frequently.
Episodic tension headaches are usually triggered by an isolated stressful situation or a build-up of stress. Daily stress can lead to chronic tension headaches.
In mild to moderate tension headaches, there is a constant, band-like pain or pressure that lasts from 30 minutes to all day. Tension headaches tend to be moderate or mild and are rarely severe.
However, unlike migraines they are not usually unilateral, throbbing or associated with light and sound sensitivity or nausea and vomiting. Other features of tension headaches may include headache upon awakening, general muscle aches and difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep.
Tension headaches may also trigger chronic fatigue, irritability, disturbed concentration and mild sensitivity to light or noise.
Rid of the tension
Treatment for this type of headache usually includes nonprescription pain relievers such as aspirin or ibuprofen. Prescription medications like antidepressants may be needed in some cases.
Therapies such as stress management or biofeedback may be used in an effort to reduce or prevent tension headaches. Tramadol is a combination product used to treat certain types of headaches and migraines as well as mild to moderate pain.
(analgesic). Its mode of action resembles that of narcotics, but it has significantly less potential for abuse and addiction than the narcotics
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